Dress Code

Dress Code For All Students

All Fairfax Christian School students must wear uniforms and are required to maintain a clean, neat and traditional appearance. Students should be mindful that they represent the Fairfax Christian School in the community and should conduct themselves and maintain their appearances accordingly.

Shirts are to be buttoned and shirttails tucked in at all times. Only the top shirt button may be unfastened. If a T–shirt or camisole is worn under the uniform, it must be white and without printing. Inside of the buildings, students may not wear outer coats, sweat shirts or sweaters that are not part of the uniform. Dress code compliance appears on students’ report cards.

Students should bring and wear their own solid-colored or conservative-patterned mask to school.

For Boys

  • Hair must be short or layered and cut above the collar. Hair may not be long enough to be tied up and no patterns or lines may be cut on hair. No jewelry, makeup, tattoos or hair color is permitted. Mechanical watches are acceptable. (No digital watches.)

  • Black dress/loafer style shoes or all white athletic shoes may be worn. (No brown shoes or shoes with multiple colors.) Shoelaces must match the color of the shoe. Black penny loafers from Flynn & O’Hara are optional, but will be required for students who violate the dress code.

  • Socks must be all white if wearing white shoes. If wearing black shoes, socks must be all navy or black. Socks must come at least two inches above the ankle.

  • Middle School and High School boys should wear their navy blazers daily. On Fridays, they must wear their Oxford shirt with a school tie and navy blazer.

For Girls

  • Hair must be at least 1 inch long overall and worn in a conventional style, the color can be any natural hair color. For example: brown or natural blond would be appropriate, bright red or yellow would not. Students will be sent home if their hair is not appropriate for school. Simple jewelry may be worn, for example, one earring per ear in the traditional style. No tattoos are permitted. High School girls may wear modest make–up. (No heavy eyeliner or bright lipstick.) Mechanical watches are acceptable. (No digital watches.)

  • Skirts may not be hemmed above the knee. If needed, extra–long skirts are available through our uniform provider. Girls should wear black lycra shorts underneath their skirts or jumpers.

  • Black dress/loafer style shoes, black ballet flats or all white athletic shoes may be worn. (No brown shoes or shoes with multiple colors and No heels or open toe shoes.) Shoelaces must match the color of the shoe. Black penny loafers or Mary Jane shoes from Flynn & O’Hara are optional, but will be required for students who violate the dress code.

  • Socks must be all white if wearing white shoes. If wearing black shoes, socks must be all navy or black. All socks must come at least two inches above the ankle. White or navy knee socks may be worn. Plain navy or black tights may be also worn. Girls in 5th through 12th grade may wear plain sheer stockings with dress shoes. (No leggings.)

  • Middle School and High School girls should wear their navy blazers daily.

  • Girls may wear boots to and from school, but they must bring their regular school shoes to wear during the school day. They may also wear their P.E. sweatpants under their skirts on extremely cold days, but should change when they get to school.

Uniform Purchases

Please note that our uniform store sells items that are not part of the dress code. If you buy an item that is not part of the official uniform or does not have the proper monogram or logo, it may not be worn. It is your responsibility to make sure you have purchased the proper items. Items purchased for previous school years may still be worn.

All students are expected to wear their full uniforms to class on the first day of school and to school each day following. Students should be sure that they have the recommended number of each uniform item. Please be sure to submit uniform orders before the first week of August to ensure a timely delivery.

All uniforms must be purchased at:

Flynn & O'Hara Uniforms
 Fair City Mall 

9650 Main Street, Unit 20 

Fairfax, VA 22031

(703) 503-5966 or (800) 441-4122

or online: www.flynnohara.com

Please put your child’s name on all items of clothing.
Students in music classes may have specific uniform requirements.

Non–Uniform Dress Code/Summer School Dress Code

Any time students attend a school event or summer school where they are not required to wear the school uniform, they must still follow the school rules. This would include attending sporting events, music programs, school trips and graduation events, either as participants or observers.

Students are required to maintain clean, neat, conservative appearances. Shirts are to be buttoned and shirttails must be tucked in at all times. Only the top shirt button may be unfastened. Boys should wear collared shirts. Tank tops, short shorts, cut–offs, denim jeans, leggings, bicycling shorts and sweat suits are not permitted. Hats must be worn in the proper way and men and boys should remove their hat while inside a building. Students may not have bare midriffs. Boys may not wear jewelry or dye their hair. Girls may wear conservative jewelry: one earring per ear in a traditional location, and no thumb or toe rings. Students may not wear logos/ advertising for alcohol, drugs, or inappropriate slogans.

Students participating in sporting events, music programs, school trips and other events may get specific instructions about what to wear.

Lack of compliance may result in a “U” (Unsatisfactory) on the student’s report card.

Dress Code for Parents, Siblings and Guests

The following dress code is mandatory for all school functions. Men’s shirts must be tucked in and have a collar, including mock–turtle and turtlenecks. Tank tops, short shorts, cut–offs, denim jeans, bicycling shorts and sweat suits are not permitted. Hats must be worn in the proper way and men and boys should remove their hat while inside a building.